Ah mei's 16th birthday!
Monday, December 08, 2008 at 2:11 PM
First of all, birthday wishes! HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY UNCLE DENNIS! HAPPY 16th BLESSED BIRTHDAY AMELIA WUNNIE! && HAPPY BLESSED 21ST BIRTHDAY DICKSON KOR! :)Celebrated with my sister her 16th birthday at Boat Quay's Pit stop cafe. Not bad.. Haha. From my group there were Ali, Sam, Harald, Qian, Farhan, Jolene and Jeremy. Quite alot of my sister's friends were there. Ende and Gavin came too. We arrived super early like at around 6 plus 7pm. To drag till 8.30pm, we went to walk around the Singapore River, taking pictures and hanging out in the OUB centre. I don't know if it's still called OUB centre. Haha. Super fun la!
So after hanging around, taking lots of pictures, we had to go fetch my bro, Farhan Lim. Haha. Waited for him for a while because he haven't arrived. Walked around and bought bubble tea!
So after hanging around, taking lots of pictures, we had to go fetch my bro, Farhan Lim. Haha. Waited for him for a while because he haven't arrived. Walked around and bought bubble tea!
{Left to Right: Green-Harald, Blue-Ali, White-Sam, Pink-Me, Yellow-Qian}
When he arrived, got a call from my sister that the timing would be delayed so we slacked even more! Haha. Once again, I cannot stop disturbing Farhan. Haha. It's been a long time since we met up and it was even better to see him that day. He's still the same :)
That's for my sister! Sorry I couldn't get her picture. She was quite unwilling to pose for one. Haha. Anyway, thanks soooooooooooo muchhhh Sam for the ride home. :) All of these happened on the 3rd of december.
So on the 4th of dec, qian and I decided to stay over at Ali's place to study for our econs exams on Saturday. Studied in school with Sam and Ali until Qian finished her lessons. We had our usual fun of talking together and bonding even more. :D Cannot stand the both of them man! Haha. But what to do, they are my love :D Not forgetting Ah Sam and Ruru :D As usual, Qian and Ali are always feeling hungry. Haha. So for the very first time, I tried Qian's cooking.... of instant noodles. Haha. Retarded. She kept praising herself for the job well done in cooking that instant noodles. But the thing is.. you just have to pour in the powder and noodles. Hahahaha. Ok la, lets give credits to my beloved qian :D

Studied right after school on the 5th of dec. Then we went to Macs to have some small bites. We were all starving!! Haha. & for the very first time also, Qian fed me McFlurry. Haha. Seeee, Qiannnn, I help you to advertise how nice you are. Please thank me :D Eh the new flavour for McFlurry's chocolate was shiok version man.

1 down and 4 more to go. Exams are here! & Im not in exam mood. How?? Haha. I know what to do la. Study lor. Haha. Retarded. Anyway, econs exam was super fast. We were late because I remembered the time wrongly! ): Oh nooooo. But luckily, we weren't that late! 5-10 mins late and I chiong-ed to do and checked twice before I handed my paper up at 9.30am. Haha. Fast right? But it was quite simple because if you did the term test questions for last year or something, you will know how to answer those questions. Thank God for bringing me through econs paper and making it a stress-free paper. Thank God! :D
I was super lost after going home. Let me tell you about it. Arrived home at around 11 plus. Met Xiao Yi and Josh on the bus coincidentally. :D Chat until I reached home and continued with Mummy in the conversation too. Miss Xiao Yi man! It's been a long long timeeee.. Had tuition on A math stuff and started planning for Fel's stuff.
I was having a big headache because I couldn't contact Diana at all! I was rushing like mad because I had church as well. Smsed Didi to tell Fel about the number of tickets then asked him for Diana's number. Then smsed Sam since Didi was clueless about most of the things. Haha. Then called here and there and realized Diana cannot make it for the movie. Fel was super pissed because I was so last minute and Ah Yi was giving her hell. Had no choice but to wait till Diana replied me because she was SUPER UNCONTACTABLE! ): I was so afraid the plan won't work out.
After church, headed to amk hub and we were all late for the movie. Haha. I was still lost and having a huge headache. We catched 'Bolt'. It was a great movie la. With Steph on my left and Fel on my right.. their laughters.. Haha. I couldn't stand them but more importantly was the movie, because bolt is super cute and rhino was super hilarious in his actions and retarded catchy phrases from the show Bolt acted in. Hahaha. Then there was the smart mitten who had to let Bolt know everything. Rhino was always soooo retarded. I laughed like super loud la.. ok that's.. normal. Haha.
Managed to get Diana msg back! Wooo, we smsed and thank God everything went smoothly. Hung out outside Amk hub and took pictures :D Jovi is Esther's bf. HAHA!

Steph Wunnie acting as Rhino :D

Jovi in the house! His going NS this friday! ):

&& ME :D!

After the pictures and Steph leaving due to the StanChart race she's taking part in, Diana called and I went to fetch her. Est tried distracting Fel away and finally.. they met! :D Fel was super shocked but I could see that she couldn't stop smiling. Hope that she had the best day of her life even though she was feeling so unhappy in the afternoons. She was still unhappy and scolding the 'friend (Diana)' that couldn't make it for the movie. Thanks Steph for taking the ticket like so last minute. She was super helpful la! :D Haha. So in the end, Fel was thankful. Heeeee. Alright. Thats the latest updates about whats happening recently.
Yesterday, celebrated Dickson kor and Dajiu's birthday! There you go! Videos up next week! :D

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